Exploring Christianity

Here is an example of how X has morphed into a cross t.
First I wrote 'exploring', then changed it to 'eχploring'. Next, I made the chi italic so 'eχploring', then I enlarged the chi, 'eχploring'. Then I changed the font to verdana 'eχploring'.
Now I had to paste a screenshot into an image editor and erase three of the crosspieces so that the lower one would appear elongated and create a tilted cross. Then I saved it as an image.
No, I did not do all this out of my own imagination - exactly. I saw a poster which used this effect and wondered how it was done. I followed the link to the exploringchristianity website and saw to my disappointment that this effect is not represented on the website. I am sorry I did not take a photograph of the poster. My image seems fuzzy and amateurish but I assure you that the poster was eχcellent.
Update: I have lost some formatting when I uploaded this post so the italic 'chi' cannot be viewed. It stays stable in Word and I pasted my Word image into the image editor.
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