The Cherokee keyboard

"Here's how the built-in OS X Cherokee keyboard works: all four rows of the keyboard (including the number keys) type Cherokee characters, and holding shift gives you a different set of Cherokee characters. I counted 86 glyphs all together. If you need to type a numeral, Command-number key gives you the corresponding numeral (instead of a Cherokee character)."
I am very glad to have this image since I couldn't view the Mac keyboard otherwise. Here is a previous email which I wasn't able to follow up.
"Apple ships my Syllabic and Cherokee syllabic keyboard layouts. QWERTY and otherwise."
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
So the 86 symbols of Cherokee fit on the keyboard and are input as syllables, one keystroke for each syllabic character. That is a glyph-based syllabic keyboard. Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics also has syllabic keyboards, but with fewer characters that is not so difficult.
The full Cherokee keyboard layout can be viewed here.
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